
Engage your users with embeddable, fully customizable forms.


Orchid Forms allows you to create form definitions and embed them anywhere as an Orchid Component. While handling form submissions is typically something you need your own server for, HTML forms can actually be quite useful on static sites when combined with services like Netlify Form Handling, Staticman or AWS Lambda Functions. This plugin allows you to separate the concerns for the display and fields of your forms from the handling of the form data, so you can focus on what matters most: engaging your audience.


dependencies {
libraryDependencies += "io.github.javaeden.orchid" % "OrchidForms" % "0.21.2"




Creating Forms

There are multiple ways in which you can set up forms. All pages in the forms/ directory will create a form with a key matching the filename of the form definition file. You can then use this key to reference that form definition in the form Component:

  - type: form
    form: contact # uses definition from forms/contact.yml

The files used for these form definitions can either be a data-type file (such as YML or TOML), or a content-type file (such as Markdown or Pebble), with the form definition in the file's Front Matter. In the case that the form is a data- type file, the form is just the definition, and the action is set to whatever is in the form definition.

But content-type form definitions will generate a page intended as the redirection target after submission. If redirectionPage is set in the form definition, then a hidden field __onSubmit will be added with a value of the redirection page's URL, so form handlers can then redirect to this URL.

Alternatively, you may add a form definition directly in the form component, for situations where you only need the form to be used once. There is no difference between a form indexed by a page, or created inline with the component, except that anonymous forms cannot be referenced by other components.

Form Field Definition

Orchid Forms comes with a basic contact form already set up for you, which includes name, email, subject, and message fields. All you have to do is set the form property on the form component to contact, and you're done.

But in most cases, you will want to customize your forms. The format used to configure forms is inspired by October CMS, albeit much simpler and less powerful. Take the default config form as an example:

title: 'Leave us a comment'
redirectionPage: 'Orchid Forms'
  data-netlify: true
    label: 'Name (optional)'
    type: text
    span: 'full'
    order: 1
    label: 'Occupation'
    type: 'radio'
    required: true
    span: 'full'
    order: 3
      student: Student
      programmer: Programmer
      teacher: Teacher
      pastor: Pastor
      other: Other
    label: 'Comments'
    type: 'textarea'
    required: true
    span: 'full'
    order: 4

The fields property contains a map of field definitions, where each key is the name attribute of an input in the form. Each field must have a type, which typically matches one of the HTML5 input types, but field types are extensible and new types may be added by plugins as needed. You can set the span of each field to a number to span that many columns in a 12-column grid, or you may use full to span 12 columns, left to span 6, floated left, right to spand 6, floated right, or auto, which is the same as left.

You can set arbitrary attributes to the form element by setting attributes to a map of key, value pairs. These values will be added to the form, and can be used for things like marking the form as a Netlify-enabled form (which is done by default in the standard contact form).

Displaying Forms

form Component

  - type: form
    form: contact # uses definition from forms/contact.yml
  - type: form
    form: # Inline configuration
          label: 'Name (optional)'
          type: text
          span: 'full'
          order: 1

form Tag

{% form 'contact' %}